A student’s test score is only meaningful in relation to something else – 1) information on the performance of a particular group of students, 2) some pre-established standard of performance, 3) a test score reflecting previous performance of the student, or 4) a prediction of performance based on previous testing.… Read More "Measures of Student Academic Growth: More Problems than Many Realize"
Focusing More on Learning and Less on Test Scores
Undue focus on test scores (and grades) can lead to practices that actually inhibit student learning. This is not a new problem, but in the age of high stakes testing, the problem has been exacerbated. (I’m talking about the age of compliance agreements under IASA and the implementation of NCLB,… Read More "Focusing More on Learning and Less on Test Scores"
Introduction In this post, we discuss how a test score is an imperfect estimate of a student’s ability. Then we look at how test results include information on standard errors and provide confidence bands. Components of test score variance are then described. And the relationship between measurement error and reliability… Read More "Measurement Error"
Are you a K-12 classroom teacher? We want you to improve your assessment practices through our free course. You’ll have access to: nine video lessons that go deep on key assessment topics, research and resources to extend your learning, and activities to test and deepen your understanding. Individuals who complete… Read More "We Want YOU to Improve Your Assessment Practices (And Get Professional Learning Credits)"
The Appeal of Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Teachers and local school administrators are enamored with computer adaptive tests. They like them because they are shorter than traditional “fixed” tests (identical tests groups of students take) and because they yield immediate results. Modern test analyses by testing companies don’t lead to… Read More "Computer Adaptive Testing"
The Assessment Workshop now has a YouTube channel where you can find brief explainers drawn from our full lessons. Read More "The Assessment Workshop Is Now on YouTube"
Formative assessment is a multistep instructional process focused on specific learning targets. Research shows that this process, effectively implemented, can lead to achievement gains, particularly for lower performing students. Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning… Read More "Motivation to learn, another benefit of formative assessment"
One of the most common questions we receive from educators is about the difference between formative and summative assessment. Classroom formative assessment is a multistep instructional process focused on specific learning targets. Classroom summative assessment is a process that leads to the documentation and certification of student performance. Key differences… Read More "What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?"